Golden Roasted Cauliflower

Golden Roasted Cauliflower

Ingredients: 1 whole cauliflower 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, melted 2 tablespoons Chilli Blend Golden Grind 4 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon sea salt Fresh herbs of your choice (eg. Rosemary and Oregano) Lemon juice, to serve Method: – Preheat oven to 170 degrees...
Golden Grind “Nice” Cream

Golden Grind “Nice” Cream

We have to thank @the_foodstylist for this one. So refreshing and so delicious Almond Golden Blend Nice-Cream Serves 6 Ingredients: 2 Cups Almond Milk 2 Cups raw Cashews soaked for 4 hours 1/2 Cup Honey 2 Tsp Golden Grind Latte Blend (or to taste) Method: If using an...
Seared Golden Grind Fish

Seared Golden Grind Fish

Ingredients: 400g Rockling fish fillet 1 teaspoon Golden Grind Latte Blend 1 clove of garlic crushed 2 tablespoons natural yoghurt 2 tablespoon palm sugar grated 2 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon olive oil Juice 1 lime Soba noodles Mixed vegetables e.g. Red pepper...
Golden Goodness Cheezecake Recipe

Golden Goodness Cheezecake Recipe

We teamed up with the team at Raw Beet to create this amazing delicious, raw, sugar free, vegan Golden Cheesecake.  We also teamed up with the crew over at Eleven Labs to bring a serious treat. Deets below.  Ingredients: Base 1 cup mixed...

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